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Opt-Out Guide



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Atlas's Removal Guide

Step 1

To remove your information from this site, start by going to Radaris.com and running a search for your profile by entering your name, city, and state. 

Step 2

Once you’ve found the correct profile with your personal information, click on “View Profile” on the right side of the row. 

Step 3

Copy the URL for your profile page, then paste it into the form on Radaris’s opt-out page. Fill out the necessary fields, check the CAPTCHA box, and click on “Send Request”.

You can also find Radaris’s opt-out page by navigating to the homepage, scrolling down to the bottom, and clicking on the “Do Not Sell My Info” link in the footer.

Step 4

There may be multiple profiles on Radaris.com with similar names and addresses, and each will have a unique URL. In order to remove multiple profiles with your information from Radaris, a separate opt-out request must be processed for each one.

If you prefer to email Radaris directly, you can submit your opt-out request to removals@radaris.com. Be sure to include your full name and profile URL in the email.

Step 5

Go to your inbox and open the email from Radaris, then click on the confirmation link in the email to confirm your record deletion request. Within the following 48 hours, you’ll receive another email to let you know whether your request has been approved.

Step 6

Your email from Radaris will also include a confirmation code for your request. You can go to the check status page on the Radaris website and enter your code to monitor the status of your request at any time. 

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We'll Opt you Out.

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