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Opt-Out Guide



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Difficulty of removal

Atlas's Removal Guide

Step 1

To remove your information from CheckThem, go to their opt-out page

You may also navigate to this page by going to CheckThem.com, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and clicking on the “Remove My Info” link in the footer.

Step 2

Enter your name, city, and state, then click “Search Now”.

Step 3

Find the listing that matches your information in the search results, then click “Choose” on the right side of the row.

There may be multiple profiles on CheckThem.com with your information. If you’d like to remove multiple profiles with your information from CheckThem, a separate opt-out request must be processed for each one.

Step 4

Enter your email address, complete the CAPTCHA verification, and answer the security questions. Then, click “Send Verification Email.”

Step 5

Open the verification email from CheckThem and click the link to confirm your request. You will receive a message that you have successfully opted-out. Your information will be removed from the site within about 24-48 hours.

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We'll Opt you Out.

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